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The complete Part-Songs for mixed chorus a cappella

Netherlands Chamber Choir

The complete Part-Songs for mixed chorus a cappella

Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525507500
Catnr: GLO 5075
Release date: 19 August 2002
1 CD
Catalogue number
GLO 5075
Release date
19 August 2002

About the album

The Netherlands Chamber Choir was founded by Felix de Nobel in 1937, and is a fully professional vocal ensemble consisting of 24 singers. Although it applies itself nowadays first of all to the repertory for either a cappella chorus or works with accompaniments by single instruments, it also collaborates regularly with renowned ensembles and orchestras such as the Schonberg Ensemble, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Frans Brüggen's Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century and Ton Koopmans' Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra.

The repertory of the Netherlands Chamber Choir spans almost the whole of Western music, ranging from the early Middle Ages to the late 20th century. Uwe Gronostay had been its artistic leader and chief conductor from 1987 to 1998.

De eerste complete opname van Mendelssohns a capella liederen voor gemengd koor
Dit album bevat de eerste complete opname van Mendelssohns a capella liederen voor gemengd koor, uitgevoerd door het Nederlands kamerkoor onder leiding van Uwe Gronostay. Jaren na deze opname is er simpelweg nog steeds geen betere koordirigent in de wereld voor dit repertoire dan Gronostay was, en geen ander koor dat deze lieflijke werken beter en meer idiomatischer kan uitvoeren!

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy was net als de andere componisten uit de eerste helft van de 19e eeuw een grote liefhebber van de natuur. Zijn liefde voor de natuur wordt weerspiegeld in zijn liederen voor gemengd koor. Op de hoes van het album staat bovendien een reproductie van een van Mendelssohns schilderijen, die hij tijdens een van zijn wandelreizen maakte.

Het Nederlands Kamerkoor is in 1937 opgericht door Felix de Nobel, en is een volledig professioneel vocaal ensemble. Ook al voert het voornamelijk a capella werken of werken met begeleiding door één instrument uit, het koor werkt ook regelmatig samen met beroemde orkesten en ensembles als het Schönberg Ensemble en het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest. Het repertoire van het koor omvat bijna het geheel van de Westerse muziek, reikend van de vroege Middeleeuwen tot aan de late 20e eeuw. Inmiddels is het Nederlands Kamerkoor is al meer dan 75 jaar een begrip en het Koor staat al decennia lang aan de wereldtop.


Netherlands Chamber Choir

The Netherlands Chamber Choir exists since 1937, and has been one of the world’s top choirs for decades. The Netherlands Chamber Choir has been internationally praised by critics for its homogeneous sound and for the soloist quality of the singers. One of the choir’s missions is to keep choral music very much alive as an art form, by looking for new formats, by innovative commissions and exciting collaborations. It results in concerts that are not only perceived as beautiful, but that appeal to all senses.  Education and participation are a vital part of the choir’s mission. The Netherlands Chamber Choir provides coaching, workshops, and ‘adopts’ choirs as supporting act for their own concerts.  Besides their own concert series, the choir often collaborates with renowned ensembles such as the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, ASKO|Schönberg, La...

The Netherlands Chamber Choir exists since 1937, and has been one of the world’s top choirs for decades. The Netherlands Chamber Choir has been internationally praised by critics for its homogeneous sound and for the soloist quality of the singers. One of the choir’s missions is to keep choral music very much alive as an art form, by looking for new formats, by innovative commissions and exciting collaborations. It results in concerts that are not only perceived as beautiful, but that appeal to all senses.

Education and participation are a vital part of the choir’s mission. The Netherlands Chamber Choir provides coaching, workshops, and ‘adopts’ choirs as supporting act for their own concerts.

Besides their own concert series, the choir often collaborates with renowned ensembles such as the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, ASKO|Schönberg, La Fenice and Concert Lorrain.

From August 1, 2015 Peter Dijkstra watches over the unique sound of the Netherlands Chamber Choir The Netherlands Chamber Choir had Felix de Nobel as its first chief conductor. Uwe Gronostay, Tõnu Kaljuste, Stephen Layton and Risto Joost were his respective successors. Each of them gave the Netherlands Chamber Choir, and choral music in general, new, major impulses.


Uwe Gronostay (conductor)


Felix Mendelssohn

Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy born and widely known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. Mendelssohn is often compared to Mozart. Both of them were child prodigies, both had a talented sister and they both died at a young age. Mendelssohn, who as a child also painted wrote poetry, was born in small family which converted to christianity from judaism. As a composer he preferred looking back, rather than forward: his main examples were Bach, Handel and Mozart. It was Mendelssohn who retrieved Bach from oblivion and pushed for a revival of his music, which still lasts today. One century after its premier, Mendelsson performed the St Matthew Passion for the second...

Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy born and widely known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period.

Mendelssohn is often compared to Mozart. Both of them were child prodigies, both had a talented sister and they both died at a young age. Mendelssohn, who as a child also painted wrote poetry, was born in small family which converted to christianity from judaism. As a composer he preferred looking back, rather than forward: his main examples were Bach, Handel and Mozart. It was Mendelssohn who retrieved Bach from oblivion and pushed for a revival of his music, which still lasts today. One century after its premier, Mendelsson performed the St Matthew Passion for the second time ever, in 1829.

Three years, earlier, on his 17th, he had already composed his masterfully overture A midsummer night's dream op. 21, based on Shakespeare's play. Today, it is still considered as one of the absolute masterpieces in all of the orchestra reperoire. His Violin Concerto op. 64 belongs to the most beautiful works of the 19th century as well. During his travels through Europe, he wrote his brilliant Italian Symphony, Scottish Symphony and the overture The Hebrides.

Although Mendelssohn had a prosperous career, his weak physique made him emotionally vulnerable. The death of his favourite sister Fanny became fatal: Mendelssohn died in the same year, at the age of 38.



Play album Play album
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen, Op.59: No. 1 Im Grünen
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.59, No. 2 Frühzeitige Frühling
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.59, No. 3 Abschied Vom Walde
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy)
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.59, No. 4 Die Nachtigall
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.59, No. 5 Ruhetal
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.59, No. 6 Jagdlied
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Aus Sechs Lieder, Op. 88: No. 1 Neujarhrslied
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Aus Sechs Lieder, Op. 88: No. 2 Der Glückliche
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Aus Sechs Lieder, Op. 88: No. 3 Hirtenlied
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Aus Sechs Lieder, Op. 88: No. 4 Die Waldvögelein
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Aus Sechs Lieder, Op. 88: No. 5 Der Wandernde Musikant
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Vier Lieder: Op. 100, No. 1 Andenken
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Vier Lieder: Op. 100, No. 2 Lob Des Frühlings
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Vier Lieder: Op. 100, No. 3 Frühlingslied
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Vier Lieder: Op. 100, No. 4 Im Wad
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.41, No. 1 Im Walde
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.41, No. 2 Entflieh' Mit Mir
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.41, No. 3 Es Fiel Ein Reif
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.41, No. 4 Auf Ihrem Grab
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.41, No. 5 Mailied
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.41, No. 6 Auf Dem See
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.48, No. 1 Frühlingsahnung
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.48, No. 2 Die Primel
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.48, No. 3 Frühlingsfeier
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.48, No. 4 Lerchengesang
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.48, No. 5 Morgengebet
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
Sechs Lieder In Freien Zu Singen: Op.48, No. 6 Herbstlied
(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) Netherlands Chamber Choir
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