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In Search of
Johannes Brahms, Oğuzhan Balci, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Gülru Ensari & Herbert Schuch

In Search of

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: CAvi
UPC: 4260085532148
Catnr: AVI 8553214
Release date: 18 February 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
AVI 8553214
Release date
18 February 2022

"Wonderful combination!"

Stretto, 06-2-2022

About the album

IN SERACH OF…… (Music of Memories)

Third Production of the Piano Duo Ensari & Schuch

Herbert Schuch and Gülru Ensari look back on musical memories of their childhood(s).

Although they each spent their childhood in thoroughly different circumstances, Herbert Schuch and Gülru Ensari feel somehow connected through memories of their first musical moments. Herbert grew up until the age of nine in the Romanian countryside near the Hungarian border, during the bleak last years of communism.

Born in Istanbul, Gülru grew up as a city dweller. “We both had a record player at home”, she remarks, to show what they had in common. Now, as a married couple and piano duo, they have found time and leisure during the pandemic to look back on the past. Overjoyed by the birth of their daughter, they shared memories of certain moments from their own childhood that seem to stand still in time.

For this album, “In search of...”, they looked for music they associate with those moments. In so doing, they were also searching for their own identity.
Herbert belongs to the minority of the Banat Swabians: “Although there was no direct Hungarian lineage in my family, the language and culture of Hungary played a significant role in our lives. Conversely, although we were in Romania, we practically had no points of contact with Romanian culture”, he remembers. “The pieces we played at home back then would have seemed out of place on this album; in my parents’ home, we exclusively played the Hungarian operetta tunes that were en vogue. My uncle sang, and he was accompanied at the piano by my father, who had brought back LPs from the GDR.”
On the other hand, in Istanbul, Gülru was strongly influenced by Western culture. At home, she only heard Classical music: Brahms, Dvořák, Tchaikovsky – the composers now featured on this CD. “I grew up with VHS videotapes. I watched Disney’s Sleeping Beauty and Fantasia countless times, with the original music from Tchaikovsky’s ballets”, she remembers. In search for similar memories from childhood, Tchaikovsky was the first common denominator the couple found that they shared. “We both remember having listened to the Nutcracker Suite when we were children”, Herbert remarks.

IN SERACH OF...... (Musik der Erinnerungen)
Dritte Produktion des Klavierduos Ensari & Schuch
Herbert Schuch und Gülru Ensari blicken auf musikalische Erinnerungen an ihre Kindheit(en) zurück.

Obwohl sie ihre Kindheit in ganz unterschiedlichen Kontexten verbrachten, fühlen sich Herbert Schuch und Gülru Ensari durch die Erinnerungen an ihre ersten musikalischen Momente irgendwie verbunden. Herbert wuchs bis zu seinem neunten Lebensjahr auf dem rumänischen Land nahe der ungarischen Grenze auf, in den düsteren letzten Jahren des Kommunismus.
Gülru wurde in Istanbul geboren und wuchs als Stadtbewohnerin auf. "Wir hatten beide einen Plattenspieler zu Hause", bemerkt sie, um zu zeigen, was sie gemeinsam hatten. Jetzt, als Ehepaar und Klavierduo, haben sie während der Pandemie Zeit und Muße gefunden, auf die Vergangenheit zurückzublicken. Überglücklich über die Geburt ihrer Tochter tauschten sie Erinnerungen an bestimmte Momente aus ihrer eigenen Kindheit aus, die in der Zeit stillzustehen scheinen.
Für dieses Album "In search of..." suchten sie nach Musik, die sie mit diesen Momenten verbinden. Dabei waren sie auch auf der Suche nach ihrer eigenen Identität.
Herbert gehört zu der Minderheit der Banater Schwaben: "Obwohl es in meiner Familie keine direkte ungarische Abstammung gab, spielten die Sprache und die Kultur Ungarns eine wichtige Rolle in unserem Leben. Umgekehrt hatten wir, obwohl wir in Rumänien waren, praktisch keine Berührungspunkte mit der rumänischen Kultur", erinnert er sich. "Die Stücke, die wir damals zu Hause spielten, wären auf diesem Album fehl am Platz gewesen; im Haus meiner Eltern spielten wir ausschließlich die ungarischen Operettenlieder, die gerade in Mode waren. Mein Onkel sang und wurde von meinem Vater, der LPs aus der DDR mitgebracht hatte, am Klavier begleitet."
In Istanbul hingegen wurde Gülru stark von der westlichen Kultur beeinflusst. Zu Hause hörte sie nur klassische Musik: Brahms, Dvořák, Tschaikowsky - die Komponisten, die jetzt auf dieser CD zu hören sind. "Ich bin mit VHS-Videokassetten aufgewachsen. Ich habe mir unzählige Male Disneys Dornröschen und Fantasia angesehen, mit der Originalmusik aus Tschaikowskys Balletten", erinnert sie sich. Auf der Suche nach ähnlichen Erinnerungen aus der Kindheit war Tschaikowsky der erste gemeinsame Nenner, den das Paar fand. "Wir erinnern uns beide daran, dass wir als Kinder die Nussknacker-Suite gehört haben", bemerkt Herbert.


Herbert Schuch (piano)

Pianist Herbert Schuch has gained a reputation as one of the most interesting musicians of his generation with his strikingly conceived concert programmes and CD recordings. He has worked with a number of renowned orchestras, including the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, the Bamberg Symphony, the Dresden Philharmonic and the radio orchestras of hr, MDR, WDR, NDR Hannover und Danish Radio, as well as with the Camerata Salzburg and the Festival Strings Lucerne, with conductors such as Pierre Boulez, Valery Gergiev, Jakub Hru° ša, Jun Märkl, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Jonathan Nott, Markus Poschner, Michael Sanderling, and Mario Venzago. Herbert Schuch was born in Timi¸soara, Romania, in 1979. He had his first...
Pianist Herbert Schuch has gained a reputation as one of the most interesting musicians of his generation with his strikingly conceived concert programmes and CD recordings.
He has worked with a number of renowned orchestras, including the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, the Bamberg Symphony, the Dresden Philharmonic and the radio orchestras of hr, MDR, WDR, NDR Hannover und Danish Radio, as well as with the Camerata Salzburg and the Festival Strings Lucerne, with conductors such as Pierre Boulez, Valery Gergiev, Jakub Hru° ša, Jun Märkl, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Jonathan Nott, Markus Poschner, Michael Sanderling, and Mario Venzago.
Herbert Schuch was born in Timi¸soara, Romania, in 1979. He had his first piano lessons in his native city with Prof. Maria Bodo, before his family moved to Germany in 1988, where he has lived since.
He continued his musical studies with Kurt Hantsch and then with Prof. Karl-Heinz Kämmerling at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Recently, Herbert Schuch has been especially influenced by his encounters and work with Alfred Brendel.
As a child, Herbert Schuch also played violin for 10 years and has been an enthusiastic chamber musician ever since, sharing the stage with musicians of the likes of Nicolas Altstaedt, Vilde Frang, Julia Fischer, Maximilian Hornung, Sebastian Manz, and Daniel Müller-Schott.
He also forms a successful piano duo with Gülru Ensari: together, they have recorded three releases for the CAvi-music label, featuring a wide range of repertoire from different periods.
In addition to his performance activities, Herbert Schuch is also involved in the organization Rhapsody in School, founded by Lars Vogt, which promotes classical music education in schools.



Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer is such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the 'Three Bs' of music, a comment originally made by the nineteenth-century conductor Hans von Bülow.   Brahms composed for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, and voice and chorus. A virtuoso pianist, he premiered many of his own works. He worked with some of the leading performers of his time, including the pianist Clara Schumann and the violinist Joseph Joachim (the three were close friends). Many of his works have become...
Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer is such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the "Three Bs" of music, a comment originally made by the nineteenth-century conductor Hans von Bülow.
Brahms composed for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, and voice and chorus. A virtuoso pianist, he premiered many of his own works. He worked with some of the leading performers of his time, including the pianist Clara Schumann and the violinist Joseph Joachim (the three were close friends). Many of his works have become staples of the modern concert repertoire. Brahms, an uncompromising perfectionist, destroyed some of his works and left others unpublished.
Brahms has been considered, by his contemporaries and by later writers, as both a traditionalist and an innovator. His music is firmly rooted in the structures and compositional techniques of the Classical masters. While many contemporaries found his music too academic, his contribution and craftsmanship have been admired by subsequent figures as diverse as Arnold Schoenberg and Edward Elgar. The diligent, highly constructed nature of Brahms's works was a starting point and an inspiration for a generation of composers. Within his meticulous structures is embedded, however, a highly romantic nature.


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky is considered as one of the most talented Russian composers of the 19th century. Unlike many other Russian composers of his time, he studied at a conservatory and made the western music theory his own. So, he was not as distrustful of western music as the group of nationalistic composers surrounding Balakirev. Yet, Tchaikovsky sought to express the typical Russian mentality just as much and used many Russian folk songs in his music.  He had a good relationship with Balakirev, who helped him with constructive feedback on his first masterpiece, the overture of Romeo and Juliet. At times, Tchaikovsky was emotionally unstable, which has often been attributed to struggles with his homosexuality. His decision to marry proved to be disastrous...
Tchaikovsky is considered as one of the most talented Russian composers of the 19th century. Unlike many other Russian composers of his time, he studied at a conservatory and made the western music theory his own. So, he was not as distrustful of western music as the group of nationalistic composers surrounding Balakirev. Yet, Tchaikovsky sought to express the typical Russian mentality just as much and used many Russian folk songs in his music. He had a good relationship with Balakirev, who helped him with constructive feedback on his first masterpiece, the overture of Romeo and Juliet. At times, Tchaikovsky was emotionally unstable, which has often been attributed to struggles with his homosexuality. His decision to marry proved to be disastrous and plunged him into a deep crisis. Yet, the passionate letters of his fiance, even though they barely knew each other, did inspire him to compose his succesful opera Evgenij Onegin. Tchaikovsky had the wonderful gift of composing the most beautiful, lyric melodies. He had a feeling for creating a certain atmosphere in his music and mastered the art of orchestration. Moreover, he excelled in dance music, which made him the ideal composer for ballet. With his ballets The Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker he brought the genre to a higher level. During his life, he was already a celebrity. He often did tours to conduct his music and in the USA he was welcomed as a star. He died unexpectedly, nine days after the premiere of his incredibly gloomy Sixth Symphony, probably of cholera. Some other highlights of his body of works are his First Piano Concerto, his Violin Concerto and the Rococo-variations.


Wonderful combination!
Stretto, 06-2-2022

Play album Play album
Slawischer Tanz / Slavonic Dance, Op. 72,: No. 1 in B Major . Molto Vivace
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Ungarischer Tanz / Hungarian Dance, WoO 1: No. 2 in D Minor . Allegro non assai
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Ungarischer Tanz / Hungarian Dance, WoO 1: No. 11 in D Minor . Poco Andante
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Slawischer Tanz / Slavonic Dance, Op. 72: No. 2 in E Minor . Allegretto grazioso
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Ungarischer Tanz / Hungarian Dance, WoO 1: No. 4 in F Minor . Poco sostenuto
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Slawischer Tanz / Slavonic Dance, Op. 72: No. 5 in B flat Minor . Poco Adagio
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Ungarischer Tanz / Hungarian Dance, WoO 1Ungarischer Tanz / Hungarian Dance, WoO 1: No. 6 in D sharp Major . Vivace
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Ungarischer Tanz / Hungarian Dance, WoO 1: No. 1 in G Minor . Allegro molto
(Antonín Dvořák , Johannes Brahms) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Slawischer Tanz / Slavonic Dance, Op. 72: No. 7 in C Major . Presto
(Johannes Brahms, Antonín Dvořák ) Gülru Ensari, Herbert Schuch
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): I. Ouverture. Allegro giusto
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Gülru Ensari, Herbert Schuch
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): II.Dances charactéristiques: Marche Tempo di marcia vivo
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): Danse de la Fée Dragée (Tanz der Zuckerfee) Andante non troppo
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): Dance Russe Trepak (Russischer Tanz) Tempo di Trepak, molto vivace
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): Danse Arabe (Arabischer Tanz) Allegretto
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): Danse Chinoise (Chinesischer Tanz) Allegro moderato
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): Danse de Mirlitons (Tanz der Rohrflöten)
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a (1892): III.Valse des Fleurs (Blumenwalzer) Tempo di Valse
(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
Sarmal, for Piano 4 hands (2020)
(Oğuzhan Balcı ) Herbert Schuch, Gülru Ensari
show all tracks

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